Ugh. Can we wipe this week off the books? And soooo much more to come. In summation:
1. My mom had an MRI and an MRA to see what's up with the TIA and/or seizure symptoms she's having, but instead they found "something" which she now has to go to MD Anderson about, to rule out brain mets (she had breast cancer 10 years ago).
2. My mother-in-law is having tests to rule out ovarian cancer, after an abnormal exam and then an abnormal MRI.
3. My dad called earlier, bawling. Now, I'm struggling to recall him even teary at, like, a graduation or something. Anyway, he had to sign his wife's DNR today, and it looks like she only has a few more days. Stage IV lung cancer with bone mets (unspeakably painful) and possible brain mets. Bad stuff. We do have a history of discord, but this is my dad, and his anguish is completely unbearable to me.
So yeah, awesome week. Also many mundane irritations, like a near-death Honda Civic to deal with, my first mammogram (actually, not THAT bad), crazy kids, etc. Anyway, I was checking in on facebook, and a friend from high school drill team had posted this:
I'm not usually a sap (okay, maybe sometimes), but it just made me feel better. I have joy in my life every day, and I'm so, so grateful. I'm fat, and I have a lot of crap happening, but there's a lot of good stuff in there too. Like when one twin cracks the other one up. 18-month-old giggles are THE BEST. Or this morning, Miss E was consoling Buzz Lightyear (of Toy Story) at the moment he realizes that he is just a toy and not, in fact, a space ranger. "Oh, Buzz. I'm so sorry! It's okay, it's okay".
I guess I'm just all over the place these days. Giggles to tears in minutes. Good practice for menopause. So, keep my entire family in your prayers, and keep away from me with my bad juju.
PS- Also, I'm too stupid to figure out how to add youtube clips to blog posts. Sorry.
14 years ago