Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Oh well. I had high hopes for this new pill I'm on, but here I am having a psychotic episode. Probably doesn't help that I had both twins in the ER in the past few days for freak accidents. Mommy confidence at an all-time low. Unfit mother as well as unfit fat-ass. How much more of this before the term clinical depression applies? Did I shower today? Nope. Did I even get dressed? Well, I added a bra and shoes to my pajamas (although, pjs are yoga pants and t-shirt). I'm thinking that if I slept in it, probably I should take it off for the daylight hours. Ugh. Can't even complete this post- just sitting here staring at it. Hate. This.


  1. So sorry. Kids get in trouble in the blink of an eye (and even if you don't blink and are watching them like a hawk). Sigh.

    I am on the nuva-ring. I'll tell you how that works out. Big hugs. Maybe we should have a mimosa on Friday? YES! Maybe another? YES!

  2. Oh dear. This doesn't sound pleasant.
    Having been off of birth control for nearly five years now I have forgotten about it...but I can definitely relate to the hormonal crashes/changes with artificially manipulated hormones and they are crazy.
    Am I going to have to drive you two home on Friday?? :)

  3. You guys are fun, I wish I could go out for Mimosas with you. I'm on the Nuvaring too and the first couple of months were HELL but it evened out and it is working out fine now.
