Okay, I've decided to give up freaking out for Lent. I realize that this is not something I can totally control, but I can make a serious effort to tone it WAY down. It's not helping little J, and it's definitely not helping me. So, I doubt I'll be freak-free for an entire month, but I'm going to try.
I've been procrastinating about making the call to set the appointment with the neuropsychologist, but I'm going to do it when I finish this post. Gotta just dive in- what choice to we have? At this point, I'm hoping for: 1- no diagnosis, 2- Asperger's, or 3- mild autism (in that order). It's weird, the things you can hope for in these situations. A new normal sets in so fast. Also, did you hear about this: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/02/100216221350.htm
So, I'm thinking- okay, we might be able to treat the social aspect, and if he's otherwise mildly affected, he can be a happy, healthy kid. Okay, see there? Time to dial down the crazy.
In fat news, I'm at the same weight as last Monday. However, given the stress of the past week (stress = cramming sugar in my face), and considering that it is my special lady time, I plan to be back on track this week. We're having a cold snap this week (so annoying- ready for spring), but I really look forward to walking. I'm on the old school "fresh air fixes everything" bandwagon, and my head could use some serious cleaning out. Not to mention cleaning the junk out of my trunk.
14 years ago