Monday, February 8, 2010

Good News, Bad News

Okay, so the good news is that I have lost 4.5 pounds this week, which brings me to a still-super-fat 187.5. Note to Bea: Remember that it's much easier for fatties to lose weight. If I was as tiny as you, (Ha! In my dreams.) I wouldn't be able to budge one pound. The bad news is that, because I lost this weight, I had to re-calculate my points on WW, and now I have LESS. Okay, only 1 point less, but they are precious, let me tell you. Grr.

Also of note is that 187.5 was my "starting weight" from April of last year. Sigh. I remember having plans to actually include myself in holiday photos, to not sweat like a hog at football games, etc. Well, we'll see where we are by April Fool's Day this year. That will be a big day for me. I have entered to win a front-loader washer/dryer (LG) at Home Depot, and they are announcing the winner (me) that day also. I can't wait!

So, I'm getting used to the WW thing, and I sort of like it. You can save foods that you eat often and just plug them in, so you don't have to scout for points all the time. This is helpful for me especially, since I only eat like 7 things. Also, it really does keep you in check. If you're out of points for the day, you're out. It's right there on the screen, so you can't convince yourself that you've been "pretty good" and "deserve one cookie". Also, I'm getting better sleep, because I often have to call it a night early in order to avoid late-night snacking, one of my many pitfalls.

Anyway. Onward, ho.


  1. Super congrats on that weight loss--that is awesome!

    I hope you win the front loaders. We broke down and bought some recently when our 17 year old dryer finally crapped out completely (we had been having to kick it for months just to get it to start) and we've liked them pretty well. Ours aren't super fancy, just the most basic ones.

  2. 4.5 lbs is awesome and I can't even tell you how irrationaly ANGRY I get every time I lose a point, like someone just came up to me and ripped some food right out of my hand!

    (I started at 191 and lost the weight using the WW online and jogging)

  3. Penny, you are my inspirations. So, so often I think: It doesn't matter what I do, there's no way I can be a normal size again. But, there you are with your amazing success, reminding me that it CAN be done. So- are you down to 11 points a day now? I mean, where does that end?

  4. Ugh, I know. I'm at 19 points a day which I'm having a VERY hard time sticking to. I eat all my weekly points and all my activity points and still sometimes go over (last week I was over 60 pts. OOPS). I would like to lose another 10 lbs, but I really have been indulging in too much candy lately!

  5. HOORAY MEGAN! That is awesome! I don't know if you watch The Biggest Loser (I do), but 4.5 lbs. is a lot and they have trainers working them out nonstop. I would be grinning ear to ear!

    That's good the points thing is easier. I HATE counting calories, I HATE writing it down, and I HATE looking at the total knowing I can only eat x amount or I went over. It is aggravating, but that's the point. Grr!
