Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving House

I'm abandoning this blog. Well, let's face it- never posted anyway. Starting a new one about Jonah, as he was diagnosed with autism just yesterday. Hope to see you at:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Still Here

Update on my little man: He's really taking off verbally. Every day he surprises us with something new, and the best of it is that he really seems to enjoy it. Like, hey- we can communicate! Huh. Who knew? On the other hand, his feeding issues are reaching fever pitch. Basically, he's on a liquid diet (PediaSure, drinkable yogurt, instant breakfast, etc.) with a few crunchy snacks thrown in. Occasional bacon. It's freaking me out, because he's roughly 30% for weight to begin with, and well over 100% for height. I buy any beverage which claims to have protein in it, sneak in some veggies with the fruit juice, and sneak vitamins into his drinks. I'm expecting my hair and/or teeth to spontaneously fall out any time. Stressed. Out. Also, he's dropped some behaviors of concern, but picked up others. Like this:

So, the blocks have different things on all six sides, but each has a side with a letter surrounded by squiggles, and he likes to line them up on that side. A "stimulating" behavior. On the other hand, he is super-buds with Miss E at the moment, and that makes me hopeful. So, yeah, still all over the place.

Still in limbo diet-wise. I decided to take a break from counting points Easter weekend, and... here we are. I'm glad to say that I'm not so far off the wagon that I've gained back my losses (at least, no more than a pound or two), but obviously, I have a LOT of work to do. I have to say, WW did work, so I know that if I get back in gear, I'll be happy with the results. Drag. I'd rather eat ice cream.

Update on baby L: He and his family are at St. Jude's for 4 months for inpatient chemo. I am so glad that they are there, getting the best care possible. Also of note is that they are provided free housing for their whole family for the duration of their stay. Who provides it? Target. Yet another reason to love the best store on earth. As such, I have been increasing my weekly donations (read: shopping) accordingly. Baby L gets to stay at the apartment with his family between doses, as long as he's not too sick, which is wonderful, and he's tolerating the treatment quite well. Both employers are being supportive and doing the right thing, which is rare, and I'm so glad that they don't have that hanging over their heads when their focus is so clearly required elsewhere. The most recent MRI and spinal both came back clear, so the little man is doing well. Next up is radiation at MD Anderson, then oral chemo at home. I'm hoping that their Christmas wishes this year are just to wipe this past year off the books and look ahead to much better times.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


So. 176. Not much progress, but I guess trending in the right direction still counts. The slow down was inevitable, seeing as I have yet to START exercising. I did get my wobbly Reeboks today, and I'm formulating a M/W/F walking plan based purely on my DVR schedule, so that should help. I also need to get moving with the wii active I bought. So yes, I have bought much equipment but have yet to get moving. I also bought an armband thingy for my iPod. Yeah, so... ready to roll... any minute now!

On the other hand, we are overrun with deer around here lately. I fear them, and they know it, and those punks get cocky in big groups. Sort of lends a big game hunting thrill to outdoor exercise.

I posted an April Fool's joke on FB today, and got the strangest response. I said that we were pregnant with twins again (boys), due in October. Cue enthusiastic congratulations. WHAT?!?! Freaks! First of all, Corbin would surely panic and leave me, and I would have to check into the state hospital permanently. Listen, I love my kids more than anything, but I need more twins like I need a fork in the head. Weird.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Note to self: When you do not blog, and when you do not log points, things can go very wrong very fast. Further note to self: You are not able to control yourself with bags of Hershey's chocolate eggs in your house. Only fun-size bags will be allowed from now on. Okay, so... I haven't blogged for about 2 weeks. The first week I only lost 1.5 pounds, and then only 1 pound the next week. I mean- it could have and SHOULD have been worse, given what I ate, so- whatever, lesson learned. Will I repeat these mistakes in the future? You betcha! I'm just contrary that way. Also, I like food (duh). So- 178. I'm looking forward to 177, because a) that's 15 pounds, and 1/3 of my initial goal, and b) that was my pre-twin-pregnancy weight.

I kind of feel weird blogging about my weight right now, since I've blogged about other, far more serious things recently. It seems selfish and unimportant in the grand scheme of things. I guess my life and my emotions are all over the map, just like everyone else. Still gotta do the work, though.

Update on baby J: He's doing really well in speech therapy. His therapist always comes out with great things to say about how encouraged she is by his progress. That's great, of course, but I'm tempted to think: Are you so encouraged that you no longer think he's autistic? I know, I know. I'm trying to keep a lid on my crazy until the neuro appt in July. Hoping that Obama's new plan will help us out with getting/paying for services. I'm also wondering about music therapy. Honestly, the times when I hear the most words or word attempts from him is when he's "singing" in the car. And you should just see the gigantic smiles. It would be worth it, just for that. He said a close approximation of "meatball" the other day, while we were singing "On Top of Spaghetti"! I mean... meatball! He so rocks.

Update on little L (the little boy from the "Please" post): His pathology reports showed that his particular type of cancer is less aggressive than other types he might have had, so that's great. He is having a shunt placed to address leaking CSF from the surgery he had (to remove the tumor), having a port placed for chemo. He'll have radiation at M D Anderson (because the have a better, much more precise delivery system (less damage), and they're still waiting to find out the results of the spinal to see about mets. His dad says he's toughing it out, and refuses to complain of pain- just says he's tired. In nursing school, I HATED the pedi rotation, because if there is something sadder or harder than a sick child, I don't know what that is. Continued prayers, please- even if that's not your thing ;) Good thoughts, good mojo, whatever.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Corbin and I just found out that some close friends of ours- their son (3) has a malignant brain tumor. I beg all of you, please, to pray just as hard as you can. Include him in your church prayer offerings. I can barely breathe, thinking about it, and he's not even mine. This couple fought very hard to have their children, struggled with infertility, lost twins at 22 weeks, and finally they are a beautiful family of four. I just plainly cannot believe this is happening to them. Please, just keep this baby in your hearts.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Artist in Residence

Okay, I think it might be time for a new scale. I weighed in at 180 this morning, but did I really lose 4 pounds during a week when I ate both pizza AND fried catfish? I'm thinking not. I re-did it like 50 times, but have decided to claim 181, just to hedge my bets. I do wish it would stop being rainy and/or cold so I can get out at night after the kids are asleep, and just walk and breathe and get out of my own head. On the other hand, American Idol is so much of a time suck right now. How will I manage it?

So, the artwork featured below is courtesy of Miss E. Is that my kitchen table, you ask? One of maybe three pieces of grown up furniture we have? Yep. I'm hoping that the day will come when I find this cute and amusing. Right now, not so much. At least her carving is in my honor. My mom's kitchen table has "I hate mysef" carved into it. That one is thanks to my sister Katie (mired in teen angst, she forgot the "l" in "myself"). I love that table.

Also included: rarely-seen-snow-in-Texas pics.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Health care is two words? Huh.

Well, after much more insurance company tomfoolery, we are back on track with baby J's speech therapy. However, said insurance company (jackasses) have given us only 20 visits per year. After that runs out, we'll have to cut back, or shell out $120 a week. I posted a rant about the jackasses on FB, and now all and sundry think I'm a communist (I heart nationalized health care, and I don't care who knows it). Oh, well.

In election news, I am looking forward to voting in a new governor. There was as issue of Texas Monthly recently with Rick Perry on the cover, and the title: The Next President? Shiver me timbers, I certainly hope not. My vote NEVER counts in my county, but I still like to pretend I'm contributing, particularly if my dude (usually) wins. Really, it just gets me called in for jury duty every 6 weeks, but whatever. Rock the vote- or is that too 1992?

So, I'm starting to get the feeling that if I start exercising regularly, my weight loss quest will improve. You don't say. To this end, I have begun accumulating much gear. Almost as important as exercising is the preparatory shopping, no? No. Also, gaining more mastery of the points system. Is it worth it to waste 2 points on 10 m&ms? Yes. Yes it is.

Okay, I keep rereading my post, checking for errors, so as not to enrage HP. Am I okay? Eek!

Monday, March 1, 2010

All Aboard the Crazy Train

Little J: So, I called the neuropsychologist. Well... she does not take ANY kind of insurance, EVER. So, for the pleasure of hearing a diagnosis I already pretty much know and getting referred to services we're already getting, it'll set me back $1800. Right. I guess she only wants wealthy autistic patients from Westlake. Anyway, I got another name from J's speech therapist (and another Dad in the waiting room recommended him also), and we have an appointment. July 27th. Sigh. We're on the list to be called if there's a cancellation (probably with 450 other families), so I hope we can get in sooner. I guess there's just a shortage of docs working in this area, given the demand, which isn't too surprising.

At any rate, Little J continues to do well in therapy, and enjoys singing along (sort of) with the Glee soundtrack. If we could just get him on table food, we'd be good to go. A couple of days ago, we were playing the kissing game (sit with faces in close range, and kisskisskiss until someone gives up- never me), and I thought: Okay- we're okay here. There are some things that are wrong, but there are a lot of things that are right, and the connection is by far the most important thing to me. I'm trying to get to a good place mentally with this whole situation. I mean, he's mostly okay, and if he needs a little extra (or a lot) in some areas, maybe I was meant to be his mom, because I'm in a position to give him more (as a quasi-nurse and SAHM, as opposed to a teenager with no patience or resources). Anyway, I'm working on it.

So, for the weekly AND monthly round up... only 1 pound this week, for a total of 8 for the month (184 from 192). Certainly not awesome, but I guess I'll take it. Obviously, the week before last was a total wash because I was losing my mind. This week, I was doing really well- under on points almost every day. Yeah, except for Saturday. When I went 18 points over. Well, we had cheeseburgers at Mighty Fine for lunch, and I had some adult beverages that night, so there you go. Originally, I had thought: I can lose 12 the first month, 10 the second, then 8 the third, to come out at 30 pounds in the first 3 months. Bwahahaha. I mean, really- this is ME we're talking about. I didn't get fat in 3 months, and I'm sure as hell not getting skinny in 3 months. Crazy talk. Honestly, if I could come near 20 pounds in the first 3 months, I'll be shocked and thrilled.

Also- I'm getting a food scale. I am soooo tired of counting out one ounce of chips or crackers. And I refuse to give up chips and salsa, one of the great pleasures of my life.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Okay, I've decided to give up freaking out for Lent. I realize that this is not something I can totally control, but I can make a serious effort to tone it WAY down. It's not helping little J, and it's definitely not helping me. So, I doubt I'll be freak-free for an entire month, but I'm going to try.

I've been procrastinating about making the call to set the appointment with the neuropsychologist, but I'm going to do it when I finish this post. Gotta just dive in- what choice to we have? At this point, I'm hoping for: 1- no diagnosis, 2- Asperger's, or 3- mild autism (in that order). It's weird, the things you can hope for in these situations. A new normal sets in so fast. Also, did you hear about this:
So, I'm thinking- okay, we might be able to treat the social aspect, and if he's otherwise mildly affected, he can be a happy, healthy kid. Okay, see there? Time to dial down the crazy.

In fat news, I'm at the same weight as last Monday. However, given the stress of the past week (stress = cramming sugar in my face), and considering that it is my special lady time, I plan to be back on track this week. We're having a cold snap this week (so annoying- ready for spring), but I really look forward to walking. I'm on the old school "fresh air fixes everything" bandwagon, and my head could use some serious cleaning out. Not to mention cleaning the junk out of my trunk.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Little Man

Just- thank you all so much.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Here goes

So, the big news of the day is that my mom's ultrasound of her thyroid came back clear. Still waiting on confirmation from the radiologist, but her internist thinks it looks good, so... whew. We've done the whole cancer thing once already, and soooo do not want to go down that road again. So, now the question is- what IS going on in there? Whatever it is, it's not a malignancy, so I'll take it.

The other thing is this: It's looking pretty likely that baby J is autistic. Both his pediatrician and his speech therapist are strongly suspicious, and I myself have been worried for a while. He's 2 and not talking much (though making great progress in speech therapy). He makes eye contact, but not as well as the girls. He likes to spin toys (or used to, anyway- he sort of dropped that), fixates on toys, plays by himself. Anyway- lots of little things. He's such a smiley, cuddly baby, and so connected to me, and that's the thing that's keeping me up at night. Am I going to wake up one day, and the little boy that I know will just be gone? No connection, no light in his eyes? Will he come home from kindergarten crying that he can't learn something, or can't make friends like the other kids? I don't know what to expect. The spectrum is huge. I'm constantly choking back tears, trying to keep it together. I mean, it's not leukemia, right? I can do special needs, no problem. I'm just terrified that he's going to disappear right in front of me. Or grow up terribly sad and isolated. Oh God, I'm afraid of everything. I'm so afraid and sad, I can barely breathe.

So. Next step is the appointment with the neuropsychologist. I'm hoping she'll toss us out of her office and scold us for wasting her time, but I doubt it. I think it will be better to know, one way or the other.

Monday, February 15, 2010


Well, I got a very disappointing "maybe/probably" (when I was praying for a "no way") for stressful item number one on this week's schedule. Item two is tomorrow, and it's a big one. A big, fat NO is REQUIRED, so send out your good vibes for my vague issues. I'll tell all later, but I don't want to spill the beans until all is said and done, and hopefully over.

Weigh in this morning was 185, from 187.5 last week, which gives me 2.5 for the week (more than I deserve, given the Valentine meal) and 7 total since the 1st. Honestly, I could care less. With everything else, I just want to sleep or read or escape my brain in some way. I ate a comfort food lunch, but it's not a super bad one. Just a revolting family macaroni dish (very likely dating back to the depression- has that sort of making-do-ramshackle quality). Corbin's bag-o-temptation remains on the kitchen counter, and I feel like sticking my head in it.

Did I mention that it's my premenstrual psychosis week? That always helps me keep a reasonable perspective on things. What else can I whine about? On the plus side, Miss E's love affair with my midsection continues. She was gazing fondly at it while I was getting dressed yesterday. Me: What are you doing? Her: Looking at your belly. Me: Yeah? Whaddya think? Her: It's... ADORABLE! God, I love her.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Pretty Boring, Honestly

So, tomorrow is weigh-in. Eek! I already know to set my expectations low, because I splurged a bit on Saturday (our Valentine date). My meal was reasonable (grilled chicken and steamed veggies- yawn- such a cliche). But, we had a fatty appetizer and a fatty dessert. And I wasted 7 precious points on a very mediocre margarita. Wine is 2, and a much safer bet, quality-wise. God, I'm soooo boring, talking about points all the time. Last thing- I've been under on points for the rest of the week, so I hope that counts for something. Otherwise, it's back to the brownies. I ain't doing this for nothing.

The wii active is pretty good. At first, I chose the fatty avatar (certainly the most fitting), but as I have to watch her from behind all the time, it was too depressing, and I went for the second-to-fattiest one. Basically, it's the 30 day challenge from that Oprah workout guy. Today was ALL lunges and squats. I may never walk again. Still, it worked for Oprah! Look at her, she's in the best shape of her... oh, wait. Hmmm...

Corbin got me a schmancy new iPod for Valentine's Day. Sure blows my shuffle out of the water! I'm hoping for some (at least) mild weather so I can get going with it. Still need my wobbly shoes too. One of the things I got him was a big gift bag full of peanut m&ms (his fav) which is now pulsing away in the kitchen, like the tell tale heart. He needs to get that thing out of the house.

I feel like I have a few too many things going on right now that I'm keeping to myself, and I've started biting my nails again (which I quit in the 10th grade). I'm not sleeping the best, and I hope that- well, I don't know what I hope. That everything will just turn out fine/go away. I have the sensation of only just keeping the lid on my hysteria. Really should find a yoga class (like that would fix everything). A couple of question marks could potentially be answered this week, so here's hoping.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Muffin Lovin'

It's 9:30 PM, and I have 3 points left. Well, time to go wild. I could probably have 5 M&Ms. Or two apples (yawn). Decisions, decisions. I SHOULD just take my shower and go to bed, but I still have some quality programming to get through on my DVR, and snacking is usually required.

Okay, I want to admit something weird. I actually looked up grocery shopping under my "activity tracker". Naturally, it's not listed, and true, it's not as though I'm panting or breaking a sweat. Maybe it's mental exhaustion, but by the time I get through the store (cajoling with samples and snacks and drinks all the way) and double back for the things on the list that I missed, get bags and kids in the car, get bags and kids out of the car, and unpack everything, I'm totally wiped. I HATE grocery shopping. I wish Georgetown was more like Paris (well, in lots of ways) so I could just pick up quality fresh ingredients at the open air market on my way home from my nude drawing course (or my lover's apartment, or smoking cigarettes by the Seine... you get the idea).

Well, Miss E's love affair with my muffin top continues. She has a new bit where, when we're laying in her bed after story time, she lifts up my shirt, rubs it a little, and gives it a kiss goodnight. Grrrrross. I wonder if she'll love me the same if (when?) I lop that thing off.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Good News, Bad News

Okay, so the good news is that I have lost 4.5 pounds this week, which brings me to a still-super-fat 187.5. Note to Bea: Remember that it's much easier for fatties to lose weight. If I was as tiny as you, (Ha! In my dreams.) I wouldn't be able to budge one pound. The bad news is that, because I lost this weight, I had to re-calculate my points on WW, and now I have LESS. Okay, only 1 point less, but they are precious, let me tell you. Grr.

Also of note is that 187.5 was my "starting weight" from April of last year. Sigh. I remember having plans to actually include myself in holiday photos, to not sweat like a hog at football games, etc. Well, we'll see where we are by April Fool's Day this year. That will be a big day for me. I have entered to win a front-loader washer/dryer (LG) at Home Depot, and they are announcing the winner (me) that day also. I can't wait!

So, I'm getting used to the WW thing, and I sort of like it. You can save foods that you eat often and just plug them in, so you don't have to scout for points all the time. This is helpful for me especially, since I only eat like 7 things. Also, it really does keep you in check. If you're out of points for the day, you're out. It's right there on the screen, so you can't convince yourself that you've been "pretty good" and "deserve one cookie". Also, I'm getting better sleep, because I often have to call it a night early in order to avoid late-night snacking, one of my many pitfalls.

Anyway. Onward, ho.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Master of my Domain

So, I did get a coat ($31 marked down from $170- pretty good, though I say it myself). And I would say it's relatively current/normal, though I admit that I'm not the best judge of these things. For those of you who want to set me up with What Not To Wear, this will not come as a surprise. Anyway- a much bigger goal attained: While at the Domain, I went to California Pizza Kitchen and did. Not. Eat. Pizza. I'm not sure I can express how uncharacteristic that is for me. I had a diet pepsi and one piece of the table bread (no butter). Okay, I ate one of my mom's crusts. JUST the crust, though. I wonder if they have a point designation for someone else's pizza crust? AND it was at 4:00- the evil hour for dieters everywhere. I'm seriously hungry now, though. When's dinner?

I also bought the wii active today, so I hope that works for me. In Texas, we have like 6 weeks of reasonable outdoor weather per year. Either cold/rainy (another 6 weeks) or blazing hot (the rest of the year). So, an indoor option is something I'm going to need. Also, I can compete with Corbin, who claims a wii fitness age of 25. He's going down.

So. Tomorrow is weigh-in. Yikes!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Shake It

Here's a little somethin' I hadn't given any thought to: Fat people + jumping jacks = very bad things. Or a comedy routine, depending. Oh, man. I jiggled in places I didn't even know I had. Grrrross. I also, inexplicably, started that workout without a bra on (we were having a pajama day, so...). Not a mistake I will make again. Honestly- what could I have been thinking? Maybe I'll just power walk until things are bit more under control.

I know already that I went over my points today, because we had family over for BBQ. I just don't have the heart to go through it and figure out the points tonight. Blah, blah, blah... 50 points, yeah- I get it. I didn't go totally hog wild, but did I eat mac and cheese? Of course.

Penny, I'm with you on the yoga resolution. It feels good and is good for you- not too many things in that category. I used to do hot yoga (no, really, I was once a fit girl!), and I always felt afterward like I was going to die, but was too limber and relaxed to be upset about it. Perfect. The only thing I don't like is the vile hot tea they foist on you afterward. Barf. Just what I wanted after sweating out 47 pounds- a nice toasty beverage.

Okay, so, weekend plans: 1) Find and purchase reasonably current and stylish winter coat (at a deep discount), because every coat I own is either revolting or cast off from family (or both). Also, they are mostly too small, which results in a Chris Farley-esque Fat Man in a Little Coat scenario. 2) Check out them crazy Reebok shoes. I have a feeling that I will spend much time falling on my ass. See, I have NO CORE. Ripped to shreds by 12 pounds of baby, and still hanging out in a flabby diastasis. Bea- I will never, NEVER post pics of my belly. I can barely look at it. I've seen yours lots o' times though, and I would be quite proud if I were you. Post away!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cabin Fever

So, Corbin already knows he has to work late tonight (1), and (2) all 3 kids have miserable colds, and (3) it's rainy and cold outside. So, we can't go anywhere, can't go outside, everyone is pissy, and my reinforcements are delayed. Aaaargh! I knew yesterday it was going to be like this, so I planned ahead, but little J won't let me put him down, which is throwing a wrench into everything. And the attitude from Miss E... where's a good paddle when you need one? One thing she was really excited about (well, that makes one of us) was that I had an exercise DVD ready to go on my computer to do during baby naps. Well... after giving me an enthusiastic thumbs up during the intro, things quickly deteriorated. "You're so mean... I don't want to exercise with you in here... no, it's NOT like ballet, this is EXERCISE... I'm just going to leave... stop looking at me..." and etc. Really, a constant stream of abuse. Needless to say, baby J was rudely awakened 1 hour into his nap. That should help with the flow of the day.

However, the 10 minutes of the DVD that I got to do looked really mild, but sort of kicked my ass. You pretty much never put your arms down at your sides, which is sooo hard for me. It's from Self. I'll have to see if I can get through it later. Looks good. Not too cheesy. Also, it's already 3:00, and I still have 12 points to go! I wonder how many a snickers is?

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes

Miss E spent time today admiring my considerable muffin top. Loaf top? Cake top? Whatever. She said something about how big and super-great it was. Well. Big, certainly, but I have to disagree about the greatness aspect. I cannot WAIT to have the thing lopped off. Just as soon as I lose 50 pounds. Any day now!

So, I'm over on points today (2.5), and I could have made it, had I just turned down that extra piece of french bread. Well, I'll figure it out. Like it's a mystery. Also, I'm hungry all the time, because I insist on eating what I like, just in baby portions. It MIGHT be worth considering actually eating something worthwhile.

In the plus column, I had the chance to organize my bathroom cabinets today, which pleased me inordinately. Really, I get WAY too much satisfaction out of these things. Must get a life. Also, Baby G is sooo into the Glee soundtrack, which she sings all day long, and also commands performances from others. It's my new favorite thing.

Okay, well, the nightly dance party is in full swing. Wonder if I can get exercise points for this?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2: grumble-grumble

Okay, well... today was better. I have to say that I am hungry, though. You don't say. However, I am pleased to announce that I had one leftover point today, so that's good, I guess. I seriously need to build some activity into my day, though. And I would like to know... where on the points list is real-life running after kids? I am often sweating by the time I wrangle them all into clean diapers/panties and clothes for the day. Well, maybe that's more indicative of my out-of-shapeness.

I need to find some bloggy support from other fatties like me (not that I don't appreciate the comments from my skinny minis!). Not even sure how to do that, really. I also need to spend much less time watching the food network at night. Very bad things can happen after watching Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives. Many deep-fried items with bacon and such.

So, my husband is bummed about the lack of sugary snack foods in our house at present (usually, there is much crap to be found). The thing is, I am the one who eats it. He'll eat like one serving or whatever, and then wonder why there isn't any more 4 days later. Well, duh- I didn't get this fat by NOT snarfing down every edible item in the pantry. He is annoyingly slender. 6'3", and I probably weigh more than him (God, I hope not). I tend to think of him as eating whatever he wants, but that's not really true. He skips breakfast, eats a Healthy Choice meal for lunch, and then whatever he wants for dinner. So, while I would not advise this plan as a quasi-nurse, I guess it gets results.

Told Miss E that she's in charge of counting my sit-ups every day while the babies nap. Surely if I leave my fitness in the hands of a preschooler, good things will happen. Anyway... so far, so good, I guess.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Second Verse, Same as the First

February 1st. 10 months after I started (and then immediately abandoned) my weight-loss journey. Ah, well. Oh- and naturally, I am fatter (5 pounds, which brings us to a bone-chilling 192). Kill me now. So, I joined Weight Watchers today, and I already find it annoying. After a while, I guess you get to know what the points are for everything, and how to use the system, but so far, I'm having to search for things like coffee with creamer on the points list. Grr. Also, I sort of made an effort today, but still went over my points allowance. Okay, I'm REALLY tired and pissy, but I hope to feel/sound more gung-ho tomorrow.

So, I'm thinking about those Reebok easy-fit shoes (yes, I would like to be fit and yes, I would like it to be easy...SOLD!). Any thoughts? Also, I have a wii and was wondering if any of the wii fit/wii active thingies are good and/or worth it. Okay, what's with me and the slashes? Again, soooo tired.

So, again... I welcome any and all encouragement, criticism, ass-kicking, shaming, support, ideas, forced cleanses, etc. Giddy-up.